In search for the meaning of physicality in a growingly digitalized world, the project investigated into the concept of materiality.

The project is grounded in the notion that "digitality and physicality are not dichotomous concepts but merge, overlap, and intra-act (Yuko Hasegawa, 2016)".

The project recontextualized materiality in a growingly dematerialized world, and envisioned three objects with a focus on air. The project discussed hyper-physicality through weaving computational data into sensorial experiences, hoping to arrive at new conceptual potentials of material.

Advisor: Benny Ding Leong
Electronic Engineer: Cheah Yeok Tatt

3D printed PLA, aluminium, silicone, rubber, color paint, shot on a MILC camera

740*700*400mm; 385*220*200mm; 120*40*25mm


Misty, blasts out cold air, as it’s constantly monitoring the IoT devices that surrounds it. When it’s overwhelmed with connected deviced, it shows its emotion with the visual and chilling effect of dry ice.

Scent diffuser, focuses on the often less valued sense of smell. It captures movement through a camera, and translate the live data into a mixture of scents, thus creating a different scent-scape.

Sound object, draws attention on air and vibration. Air contained in it amplifies the tactile character of sound and translates the acoustic landscape into haptic sensation.